Personal Trainers

Adam Simpson

ADAM simpson


BA Sport & Exercise Science (in progress)
Certificate III in Fitness
Certificate IV in Fitness
Senior First Aid Certificate
Punchfit Boxing Instructor
Punchfit Kickpad Instructor
Punchfit GX Instructor
Level 1 Kettlebell Instructor


Growing up I loved playing Rugby League and that is where my passion for health and fitness came from. I was sick of always being the smallest kid on the football field, so at the age of about 11-12 I wanted to build my muscles up. I got my hands on the book “Weight Training for Dummies” and started learning about all different exercises. Then from then on my birthday and Christmas presents were always a new set of dumbbells or some kind of exercise gear.

Every afternoon I would train all the kids in the street in my back yard set up. I collected a whole bunch of random bars, plates and benches. Then all of us kids would get in the backyard every afternoon and smash out different work outs that I created. One of the Dads in the street would pay me in multi vitamins and protein powder for training his son and getting him ready for the upcoming footy season.

Straight after high school, I enrolled to complete my Certificate IV in Fitness at TAFE. After completing my course I was lying in bed one night working out what I would do with my life when I decided it would be a great idea to start up my own personal training business and just work for myself. I figured at the time that I knew enough overweight people that I would have clients in no time. I gave it about 5 minutes thought and decided on the name Repetitions. Then I registered the business name the next day.

I saved up a bit of money from working as a pool life guard. Then I bought a ute and chucked a few bits of equipment in the back and Repetitions was off and running!!

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