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The Importance of Building Healthy Habits

by | Feb 13, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The importance of building healthy habits!!
Over the years I have seen many of our clients experience amazing results with their training. I have also seen many others who have not reached the goals they had set out to achieve. In my opinion one of the biggest factors for determining success is your ability to develop habits.
It is important that you set time aside each week to plan when you will be exercising, make it a priority and commit the time to yourself. I see it all too often when it is the last thing on peoples list to do each week, then when things don’t go to plan, it is always the first thing that is missed. I know myself when things can get stressful or life gets busy, it can be all too easy to just want to have a week off or skip a training session. When it comes to results consistency is key!!

“Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out”

Here are a few different things to try to help build those healthy habits.

Try not to over complicate it. You don’t need to do an hour or more of super intense exercise when you really don’t have the time or the motivation. Keep it simple, go for a short walk/jog or do some body weight exercises at home.
Relax and think of the big picture. Habits can take a long time to develop, sometimes up to 8 months. So, don’t be too hard on yourself and give up if the habit isn’t formed in a few weeks.
Try to time block your schedule. It is crucial to try and set the same times aside each week on when you will be exercising.
When you are feeling unmotivated, close your eyes and think of the reasons why you started. Whether that be for your health, your appearance, overall confidence or if you are doing it for your kids.
Just show up. Often the hardest part of exercise is actually getting to a session. If you are doubting whether you should train or not, just jump in the car and start driving before you even have time to think about it.
As always, if you are struggling with anything health and fitness please do not hesitate to contact me and let me know how I can help you. I would love to be able to help 🙂 If you are thinking that there is nothing that I can do and that your struggles come from within, contact me anyway, you might be surprised.

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